See Our Plants

If you want it, we probably have it!

At Scott’s Landscape Nursery, we pride ourselves on having a wide range of options to make sure you can put the right plant in the right place, every time!

We haven Butterfly Garden Plants, Drought-Tolerant Plants, Florida-Native Shrubs, Florida-Native Trees, Fruit and Citrus Trees, Groundcovers and Grasses, Hanging Basket and Interior Plants, Landscape Shrubs, Nelson’s Roses, Ornamental Trees, Palm-Like, Privacy Hedges, Seasonal and Perennial Plants, Shade Plants, Vines and Crawlers, and more!

Take a look below for just a small sample of some of our favorite landscape plants, and when you’re ready, click the green button to book your free consultation with one of our Plant Specialists and let’s pick the perfect set for you!

Assorted Succulents and Cacti

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More of our Favorite Plants

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Crowds of colorful butterflies will flock to your garden when you grow lantana. This super productive plant puts out a nonstop supply of bright, nectar – rich flowers all summer long. Lantana loves hot, sunny weather and is tolerant of both drought and humid conditions. Flower colors include red, yellow, white, orange, lavender, pink, and bi – color. Use lantana in landscape beds or in pots and planters packed with other sun – loving bloomers. In frost – free regions, lantana forms a low shrub that can grow 2 to 3 feet tall. In the North, use lantana as an annual flower. Lantana is also deer and rabbit resistant. Zones 9 – 11.

Magnolia Little Gem

A dwarf southern magnolia with smaller dark green foliage and a very compact narrow form. The large, glossy, evergreen leaves have rusty — brown undersides. Very attractive, large, white, fragrant blooms. A naturally small tree or large shrub perfect for small gardens. Truly captivating when trained as espalier against a wall or fence. Water deeply, regularly; more frequently in extreme heatModerate growings.

Mahoe Vareigated

Mahoe is an evergreen shrub or small, spreading tree to 25 ft high and nearly as wide. Light: Does best in full sun. Moisture: Mahoe needs a lot of water and cannot tolerate prolonged drought. The flowers are large and showy, starting out yellow in the daytime and turning red by evening.

Mondo Grass

Attractive clumps of stemless, dark green, grass – like leaves make a beautiul small – scale groundcover or low border. Water regularly – weekly, or more often in extreme heat or containers. Moderate growing; reaches 12 to 15 in. tall and wide.

Monstera Deliciosa

Monsteras are unique, easygoing houseplants whose gigantic leaves are adorned with dramatic hole formations. Monsteras are vining plants and love to trail over the pot or climb, along a stake or trellis. It tolerates low light, but grows faster and becomes more dramatic in a spot with indirect bright light. That said, avoid strong, direct sunlight because it may burn the leaves. Water and fertilize regularly during the growing season in Spring and Summer, but be sure to cut back in winter when growth slows down.

Neoregelia Brazil

‘Brazil’ is a very colorful cultivar with a somewhat mysterious background. It’s flaming red – orange color and compact size make it an excellent addition for those that are short on space. It averages about 10″ across at maturity. Give strong filtered light for best color. Very prolific!

Orange Navel

Lower acid content than most varieties. Easily peeled. Very heavy producer. Harvest: October – January. Seeds per fruit few 0-6. Fruit size large 3″ — 31/2”.

Podocarpus Maki

Handsome and hardy hedge bushes, privacy screens, or plants to camouflage unsightly things around the house. Moderate grower, you can keep it 5 to 7 feet long or let it get larger. This plant is drought — tolerant once established, it’s best to water on a regular basis with time between waterings for the plant to dry out a bit.

Shady Lady Black Olive

“Bucida buceras”

With the look of a natural bonsai, this tree lends an Oriental garden appeal when it’s young. It grows in layered tiers with a distinct space between each set of horizontal branches. This black olive tree is a moderate grower that can reach 30 feet in height. Evergreen and salt tolerant, it prefers full to part sun.

Slash Pine

“Pinus elliotti”

The slash pine is a fast-growing medium to large tree that is capable of reaching heights of 80′ to 100′ tall. Although little purning is required, we still recommend placing this in an area where it has plenty of room, as it will drop pine needles. Slash pines provide great food, shelter, and nesting sites for many species of wildlife in Florida.

Travelers Tree

These plants grow to be enormous, with huge leaves sprouting from a long stems in a flat, fan – shaped pattern like a peacock’s tail. The leaves collect rainwater which flows into the plant’s stems, base and even its flowers, ready to aid a thirsty traveler. But they do not like wet roots for a long period of time.


Imagine a plant that blooms nonstop from early summer to fall and requires only a minimum of attention from you! Well that’s what you’ll get with verbena. The nectar – rich flowers are also prized by butterflies and hummingbirds. Depending on the variety, will grow 12 to 30 inches in either upright or trailing forms. Verbena is a sun – worshipper that excels in garden beds, window boxes, or hanging baskets. In warmer climates verbena can also be used as a colorful perennial landscape plant. Verbena is also deer resistant. Hardy from zones 7-10.


“Catharanthus roseus”

Evergreen leaves and a variety of flower colors make vinca a popular garden staple. Considered a long – term annual or short – term perennial, vinca usually last for several years, and stay full and blooming with only a little pruning. They grow low and make an excellent boarder or filler. Regular watering and a sun to part sun location will be best for maximum flowering, although these hardy pants can handle some drought once established.